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  • Album Photos
  • Song List & Lyrics (Chinese)
    1. To my ex-boyfriends
    2. A flower
    3. Unlovable moments
    4. Your half, my half
    5. Thank Barbie
    6. Love is like a jacket
    7. Listen it on the way
    8. Love which has not loved
    9. Expiry date
    10. My beauty and my worries
    11. Sleep till having insomnia
    12. Give me the way to love (Mandarin)
    13. You are a pop song (Mandarin)
  • VCD
    1. To my ex-boyfriends
    2. A flower
    3. Give me the way to love (Mandarin)
  • Read Chinese Version
  • Cass Albums: A Flower

    Published on 15th May 1999, by Sony Music

    This is the first album since Cass joined Sony Music. Included in the album is a VCD which contains the MTVs of "To my ex-boyfriends", "A flower" and "Give me the way to love".

    For more information about this album and the awards won by its songs please refer to Cass Profile - Albums and Songs section.


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